CS 161 — Submitting Assignments

Submitting Work Electronically

Java programming projects will be submitted via BlueJ's submission system this semester. You'll be able to submit your work easily whether you're on or off campus at the time, but you'll need to make one change to the BlueJ preferences first so that the system knows who you are. (Otherwise, when you submit your assignments, I wouldn't know who you are either!) The steps below will walk you through setting up BlueJ's preferences and submitting a project.
  1. Open BlueJ's preferences ("Preferences..." under the BlueJ menu on Mac, "Preferences..." under the Tools menu on a PC), and click on the "Extensions" tab. You'll get a window like the one below. Fill in the "User name" and "Email" fields with your own name and Puget Sound email address and press OK. (It's important that you use your Puget Sound email here, otherwise your submission attempds will fail.) Don't worry about any of the other settings in the window.

    If you've installed BlueJ on your own personal machine, these settings will be remembered and you won't have to edit them again. If you work on the machines in the lab though, you'll need to double-check them each time before you submit an assignment.

  2. Now that you've got the settings updated, let's try to submit: Go to the Tools menu in BlueJ and select Submit. (If you don't see a "Tools" menu, close any code editing windows you might have open and look again.) You'll get a window like the one below. You don't need to do anything here except to click on the "Submit" button.

  3. After clicking on Submit you should see a window like this, confirming that your submission was successful. You can submit a project as many times as you'd like. Later submissions overwrite earlier ones.


Brad Richards, 2024